"हमारी एकता ही हमारी ताकत है... - डॉ. धनराज आज़ाद"

"मेरा जीवन एक संघर्ष भरी दौड़ है, जिसको जीतने के बाद सदियों से बंद हक़-अधिकार के दरवाजों को तोड़ना है. - डॉ. धनराज आज़ाद "

"राजनीति में हिस्सा ना लेने का सबसे बड़ा दण्ड यह है कि आयोग्य व्यक्ति आप पर शासन करने लगता है - डॉ. अंबेडकर "

"जो कोम अपना इतिहास नहीं जानती वो कोम कभी अपना इतिहास नहीं बना सकती - डॉ. अंबेडकर "

Hello! I'm Dr. DHANRAJ Currently Based in the Republic of India

With extensive experience of 16 years in non-government and educational development services with ultimate responsibility for the performance refer to the operational and development leader of the Social working field, International motivational speaker and social development activist mostly in education and social development sector. Achieved worldwide 18+ World Records, 287+ awards and appreciations in different sectors with global level innovative excellence and in behalf of outstanding contribution to development of underprivileged section of the society by various educational training and empowerment activities. Still working to educate people in sector of industrial-vocational education development and develop skills of each and every person of the nation with support of various government and public authorities. Started life from small village of tribal community and facing to many challenge during education due to community thinking and financial problems so decided to educate every citizen of the nation specially underprivileged section of the society and now the journey of 16+ years he active in this sector socially and educating people with the vision of empowerment each and every person.. Professionally I am working as Lawyer, Research Analyst, Writer, Lyricist, Poet, Social and Political Strategist, Educationist, Social Justice and Empowerment Activist, International Ambassador of Human Rights & Global Peace, Inter-Government Diplomat of Cultural Relations, Rajasthan State Secretary General – AIHCP, Chief Leadership in Indian Politics, Editor-in-Chief & CMD of NEXTGEN INDIA™, Global Motivational Speaker & Life Coach, Founder/ Director of NIED®, NIO™, NIIRMO™, GBGPF™, NIMN™, AGLA™, NGU™, NEC®, NPC®, NIEDF®, NGCS™, NGCSM™, AEWS™, NIMVSS™.

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